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Bet365 Otvori racun


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Everything posted by maxi

  1. maxi


    Ja sam skeniro osobnu i poslao pod neznam vise koju rubriku i prihvatili. Mislim pod bank card ili tako nesta.
  2. maxi


    Danas kad sam se logirao na bet365 izbacilo mi poruku da moram verificirat adresu. Ponudjeno mi je ovo sto se vidi na slici da uploadam gore, medjutim nevidim da ima za upload osobne, pa me zanima jel mogu osobnu upoloadat na neko od ovih ponudjenih sa slike posto racuni nisu na moje ime, a na kreditnoj kartici nema adrese tako da mi ostaje samo osobna. Hvala.
  3. maxi


    Prije nego je pala nisam mogao, nadam se da je do njih nesta da nisam obrisan. Napisalo je da provjerim password za velika i mala slova itd.
  4. maxi


    Da li se jos netko nemoze logirat na BET365? Jucer prosla uplata sa skrilla i igrao sam, i sad se probam logirat i nemogu.
  5. Imas alternativne linkove preko kojih se mozes kladit tamo. Koliko puta je o tome pisano ovdje.
  6. Bas sam probao sad instalirat to i neradi, otvori se stranica porezne uprave. Inace se spajam na net preko optime.
  7. maxi


    Instaliras Opera web browser koji ima u sebi vpn i preko njega ti otvori
  8. maxi


    I meni danas prestao radit onaj jedan mirror link sto sam koristio. Isao probavat sve gore sa stranice i jedva jedan upecao da radi. Drugi put kao sto sam i ranije napisao stavljat jedan po jedan gore. Znaci kad jedan zatvore stavit drugi itd.
  9. Neki se klade i na drugim kladionicama osim na bet365. Eto kako ☺️
  10. maxi


    Procitaj pravila bonusa pa ce ti bit jasnije. Prije nije tako bilo sa tim bonusima ali sad je ovako kako je.
  11. Da li netko zna mozda da li bi mogao koristit unibet mobilnu aplikaciju za kladjenje kada bi bio spojen iz neke druge zemlje preko vpn-a? Probao instalirat i kaze mi da nemogu koristit aplikaciju sa lokacije na kojoj se nalazim, znaci iz HR. Isao probat reko da vidim kako izgleda i nisam mogao, pa eto cisto iz znatizelje me zanima da li ju netko koristi u HR da se nalazi. Koliko me sjecanje sluzi probao sam to i prije i nisam mogao tako da to nema veze sa poreznom i blokiranjem kladionica. Hvala.
  12. maxi


    Nisam rekao da su blokirani nego da su na listi i da bi mogli bit uskoro. Kazem, najbolje jedan po jedan za ubuduce stavljat.
  13. maxi


    Neznam da li ste primjetili ali sve alternativne linkove koje ste stavili za BET365 je porezna stavila na svoju crnu listu. Znaci mogle bi i one uskoro ''zacrnit''. To bas i nije bio pametan potez stavit ih sve odjednom javno. Dovoljna je bila jedna koja radi pa kad nju ''ugase'' stavit novu i tako. Ovako im samo olaksavate posao. No sad je gotovo, ali za ubuduce je bolje jednu po jednu stavit public. Normalno, pod uvjetom da su to tu vidjeli, a velika je sansa da jesu, jel na trazilici odma izbaci svijetkladjenja sa alternatvnim linkovima
  14. Sto se tice ovih VPN-ova ima ih more, a ovaj Expres vpn je jedan od skupljih, ako ne i jedan od najskupljih. Za puno manje novaca se moze nabavit dobar vpn, a da ne govorim o onima na crno sta se prodaju po par dolara godina ili par mjeseci ukljucujuci i taj Express vpn.
  15. Pa probaj preko vpn-a nekog.
  16. Znaci ovako, ukoliko vam neradi vise ovaj glavni link za BET365 imate ove druge metode. E sad, zasto ovo pisem sta je vec napisano, stvar je u tome da vam hocu skrenut pozornost ako vam slucajno ne radi ni preko tih drugih metoda, probajte prvo obrisat history i cookies u svom internet pregledniku pa onda ponovno probat. Eto, meni je bio takav slucaj i ovo mi je pomoglo.
  17. maxi


    I meni izbacuje kao i tebi onu poruku. Ocito su poceli sa blokiranjem stranih kladionica. Normalno, onim drugim putevima tu navedenim otvara bez greske ☺️
  18. maxi


    Evo sad sam dosao i vidim da su obracunali ovaj listic pod bonusom. Izgleda im treba malo duze da obracunaju za okretanje bonusa. A ovo si u pravu za koeficijent minmalni, to nisam nikad vidio, uglavnom su uvijek bili 1,50 minimalni za okretanje bonusa ako se dobro sjecam. Ovo je bas poklon
  19. maxi


    Zamolio bih nekog ako zna da mi kaze kako okrenut ovaj bonus? Naime vidim da pise da najmanji koef mora bit 1.20. I odigro sam za probu listic sa tri para gdje mi je najmanji koef bio 1,20, a ostala dva su bila veci (pobjeda besiktasa i sevilje i over 1,5 na genku). Tamo na settled bets mi pise da sam okrenuo 0e od 100e. Neznam gdje grijesim, pa eto ako bih neko mogao da mi kaze tocno da mogu to okrenut sto prije. Ispod sam stavio copy paste jednog djela gdje pisu uvjeti za bonus. Hvala. Qualifying 1. Make a qualifying deposit of 5 EUR or more to qualify for a 100% matched amount in Bet Credits. Your qualifying deposit is your largest deposit (capped at 100 EUR) made in the 30 days prior to you claiming your offer. 2. You must claim your offer within 30 days of 17:18:00 CET 19/09/2018. 3. The maximum amount of Bet Credits that can be claimed is 100 EUR. Releasing your Bet Credits 4. Your Bet Credits will be held in your account balance and are non-withdrawable. To release your Bet Credits you must have qualifying settled bets to the value of your deposit within 30 days of claiming your offer. 5. Your Bet Credits will normally be available to use within one hour of the qualifying settled bet requirement being met. 6. You may have more than one Bet Credits offer available on your account at any one time. However, qualifying settled bets will only count towards releasing one of the offers. You may choose which offer is active within the Members section. 7. With the exception of customers residing in Australia, bets placed using our Telephone Betting service will not count towards the release of your Bet Credits. 8. Any single bets placed at odds of less than 1/5 (1.20) will not count towards the release of your Bet Credits. In multiple bets at least one selection must have odds of 1/5 (1.20) or greater to count. 9. In market/fixture combinations that only have two or three potential outcomes (for example Soccer Full Time Result), where you have placed bets on more than one potential outcome, either pre-match or In-Play, only the outcome with your highest cumulative stake will count towards the settled bets requirement (if you have placed the same highest cumulative stake on more than one selection in the same market/fixture combination then only one will count towards the settled bets requirement). Any bets settled on other selections in the same market/fixture combination will not count towards the release of your Bet Credits. This term is applied in conjunction with the other restrictions. For example, if you have a £10 bet on Man Utd to beat Chelsea and a £15 bet on Chelsea to beat Man Utd on the Full Time Result market at odds of 1/5 (1.20) or greater, only the stake on Chelsea will count towards the release of your Bet Credits (if both bets were for £10 then £10 would count towards the release of your Bet Credits). If you were to place a further £10 bet on Man Utd to beat Chelsea at odds of 1/5 (1.20) or greater, this cumulative £20 stake will count towards the release of your Bet Credits and not the £15 stake on Chelsea. 10. Void bets do not count towards the release of your Bet Credits. 11. In countries where any of the products and features listed in this paragraph are available, the following term applies in respect of those products and features: Fully Cashed Out, Instant Games, Gaming and Void bets do not count towards the release of your Bet Credits. Where a stake has been partially Cashed Out, only the remaining active stake will count towards the release of your Bet Credits. Where a bet has been edited using our Edit Bet feature, the original stake will not count towards the release of your Bet Credits and only the new stake on the new bet will count. 12. If you do not have qualifying settled bets to the value of your qualifying deposit within 30 days of claiming the offer, your Bet Credits will be forfeit and removed and the offer will be closed. Using Bet Credits 13. Your Bet Credits are non-withdrawable. Any returns from Bet Credits stakes will be added to your Withdrawable Balance but Bet Credits stakes are not included in any returns. For example, a £10 bet placed at odds of 2/1 (3.00) would give a return of £30 (£20 winnings plus £10 stake), whereas a £10 Bet Credits stake placed at odds of 2/1 (3.00) would give a net return of £20, as the £10 Bet Credits stake is not returned. 14. Stakes can be funded in part by your Bet Credits and part with your Withdrawable Balance, however the Bet Credits element of the stake will not be included in any returns. For example, a £10 bet placed at odds of 2/1 (3.00) which was funded by £5 Bet Credits and £5 cash would give a net return of £25 (£20 winnings plus £5 cash stake) as the £5 Bet Credits stake would not be returned. If a bet is void and has had an opportunity to win (for example, in the event of a push), Bet Credits stakes will not be returned. If a bet is void and has not had an opportunity to win (for example, when a Goalscorer bet is placed on a player who does not then take part in the match), Bet Credits stakes will be returned. 15. For the purpose of Cash Out, the value displayed will already have the Bet Credits stake removed and will be the actual return received if Cashed Out. 16. In countries where the listed products and features are available, your Bet Credits cannot be: i) transferred to Casino, Games, Slots, Poker, Vegas or Bingo, ii) used to fund stakes on Tote (including other pool betting) and Lotto markets, iii) used as stakes on Bankers, If Bets, Reverse If Bets, Teasers, or iv) other than by residents in Australia, used to fund stakes for bets placed using our Telephone Betting service. 17. Your Bet Credits will be forfeit and removed if your account is inactive for 90 consecutive days. Making a deposit, placing a Sports or Financials bet or participation in any Casino, Poker, Games, Slots, Vegas or Bingo product (where such products are available) is deemed as having activity on an account. 18. Where the following offers are available, Bet Credits can be used as a qualifying bet: • ITV Racing 4/1 • Feature Race 4/1 • Bore Draw Money Back 19. Where the following offers are available, bets placed using Bet Credits will not qualify for the following bonuses: • Euro Soccer Bonus/Multi Bet Offer • Tennis Accumulator Bonus/Multi Bet Offer • Parlay Bonus • Euro Basketball Bonus • Aussie Footy Multi Bet Bonus
  20. Citam malo starije postove kako su u bosni blokirali uplate sa kartica na strane kladionice i na skrill racune. Ocito je to pocelo i u HR. No dobro, sad cemo malo zaobilaznim putem uplacivat pare gore na strane kladionice. A oni sam nek blokiraju kartice
  21. Jel ti prije islo normalno? To te pocelo zezat u zadnje vreme kao i mene? Do sad nikad problema sa uplatama sa kartice na skrill. I sad odjednom vise nece.
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  23. Koje to kladionice imaju promocije za postojece igrace osim BAH? Ovaj na Betfair nije los samo sto je za nove korisnike.
  24. Lider prvenstva sa 8 bodova prednosti nad pratiocima, a nije napisano da ima i ekipa sa istim brojem bodova kao i oni Ili sam ja corav pa sam nesta pomjesao lige.
  25. Vec ti je deset puta napisano, a imas i par postova iznad napisano ako bas hoces na unibet i skrill sta da napravis. Znaci otvoris racun na 888sport ako ga vec nemas jel koliko znam imaju istu ponudu. Prije je unibet imao vecu live ponudu nego 888sport ali koliko sam vidio i to se izjednacilo.
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