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  1. Dender - Charleroi Charleroi je sampion i sada bi trebao ovu tekmu pusti denderu kome ocajno trebaju bodov za ostanak Charleroi je danas bez 7 igraca, u to spadaju 3 najbolja strijelca i sef obrane: Satli(df 13/0),Dzindzlic(df 31/2 ,sef obrane),Ederson(mf 28/1),Kudemor(mf 28/3),Kage(mf 29/5 treci najbolji igrac),Gueye(att 23/17 drugi najbolji strelac) i najbolji strelac Gnohere(att 31/18) Dender bez napadaca Copina.... Po meni bi trebalo probat 1, jer koeficijent je primamljivih 2,50.... Ne silit sa velkim ulogom..... Sretno ko ce pratit
  2. Belgija 2. 15:00 Eupen - Woluwe f+2 @ 2.30 "Eupen is without their first goalie Jonas Deumeland (GK / 24 games)" "Woluwe now have some important missing.... in the team are injured their best players ... Hector(mf 19/1),Mace(mf 23/3goals/5ass),Amoah(att 3/3) and best topgoalscorer Oliveira(att 23/11)" Italija Pro 1 B 14:30 Feralpi Salò - Latina 1 @ 2.40 "The guests are realy delepted with Matute (midf.24) banned and Bernardo (striker 18 1goal), Cafiero (def.18 2goals), Giannusa (midf.15), Jefferson (striker 15 7goals topscorer) and Maggiolini (def.13) all injuried." Turska 1. 14:00 Bursaspor - Karabükspor 1 @ 1.80 Gostima nedostaje ključni branič Ozdin radi ozljede, njihov učinak u gostima je 1-2-11. SRETNO KLADIONIČARI !!!
  3. Valenciennes - Lorient 1 @2,05 Valenciennes bez: Pujol (10/2), Angoua (16/0) Lorient bez: Baca (15/0), Bourillon (12/0), Lautoa (1/0), Jouffre (20/3), Coutadeur (20/2), Aliadiere (10/2), Quercia (3/1)
  4. Westerlo - Mechelen 2 @2,50 Westerlo bez 12 igraca: Wils, De Petter, Dekelver, Owusu, Marcao, Thiago Cardoso, Delen, Arbitman, Deelkens, Roef, Sidibe, Vanaudenaerde.... Ovo su sve prvotimci koji fale, zadnja dva puta kad su igrali pobijedio je Mechelen, u gostima 0 : 1 i doma 3 : 1.... vrijedi odigrati singl.... SRETNO
  5. Portimonense-Olhanense 2 2.30 ;D sta imam pisati domacin generalno u k.... po meni 2 ko kuća....
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