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  1. fran

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    Sretno, ja cu probad Shakhtar daje kv 1,40. Inter je ko kurva svima daje. U zadnjih 6 tekmi primili 10 golova
    4 points
  2. Playmaker91

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    England League 1 20:00 Crewe - Lincoln, tip: Lincoln over 4.5 kornera @ 1,61 Bet365 Value bet: Lincoln ostvaruje više kornera @ 2,25 Bet365 (1x2 market) Po meni definitivno value tip, Crewe do sada u 7 utakmica nikog nije dobio u kornerima, te su trenutno posljednji u ligi sa 2,57 izborena kornera po utakmici u prosjeku(18), a dopuštaju gotovo najviše u ligi, 7.43 kornera po utakmici(52). Lincoln iznuđuje 4.63 kornera po utakmici, dok dopušta 4.5 po utakmici. Lincoln je trenutno na omjeru 4-1-3 što se tiče dobivenih/izgubljenih duela u kornerima. Igrali su međusobno prije mjesec i pol dana sa Crewe u EFL kupu te je Lincoln slavio sa 9-7 u kornerima. Mislim da bi Lincoln sa lakocom trebao izboriti 5 kornera, a isto tako i pobijediti u duelu sa skoro najgorom ekipom sto se tiče kornera. Sretno!
    3 points
  3. Playmaker91

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    England League 2 20:00 Newport - Colchester tip: Newport over 4.5 kornera (preko bet buildera) @ 1,44 Bet365 (alternativa pobjeda Newporta u kornerima 1,53 (1x2 market) Utakmica 9.kola Engleske league 2 između trenutno prvoplasiranog Newporta te devetog Colchestera. Razlog uzimanja ovog picka je to sto Newport trenutno najmanje kornera dozvoljava u ligi, dopustio je ukupno 18 kornera u 8 utakmica, u prosjeku prima 2.25 kornera po utakmici dok sa druge strane Colchester je do sad najviše kornera dozvolio ukupno 59 kornera sto dovodi do 7.38 prosjecno dozvoljenih kornera po utakmici. Što se tiče izborenih kornera tu je Newport trenutno na petom mjestu u ligi sa 5.88 kornera po utakmici(47 ukupno), dok Colchester drzi predzadnje mjesto sa 3.25 kornera po utakmici(26 ukupno). Newport je do sad dobio sve duele u kornerima dok Colchester nije niti jedan. Nadam se da ce se ovaj trend nastavit te da ce ovo biti lagani win. Sretno!
    3 points
  4. IzudinB

    Ponedjeljak 26.10.2020.

    Nadam se da ste ispratili
    3 points
  5. Playmaker91

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    Relativno lagan prolaz sa kornerima ?? bilo je jos prolaznih tipova, no nije mi se dalo pisat analize za sve ?
    2 points
  6. CharliHR

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    E a jel zna netko jel se isplati rizik na Trumpa stavit da ce dobit izbore? ? Dobra je kvota 2.55
    2 points
  7. marand5

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    Poklon do poda za oba tipa
    1 point
  8. Goksim

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    Pobjeda Intera 1,33 kod bet365 trenutno
    1 point
  9. jaki

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    Baš gledam 1,40 na betu365 kod nas je 1,70 isplati se odigrat dok nije palo.
    1 point
  10. Goksim

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    Imamo topic na tu temu te detaljnu analizu.
    1 point
  11. Nebbia

    Utorak 27.10.2020.

    Istanbul Basaksehir have lost their last 3 matches in Champions League. There have been over 2.5 goals scored in 83% of Barcelona’s last 6 games in Champions League. Juventus have won 88% of their last 8 matches in Champions League. There have been over 2.5 goals scored in 88% of Lazio’s last 8 games in Champions League. Istanbul Basaksehir have failed to score in their last 3 matches in Champions League. There have been under 2.5 goals scored in Birmingham’s last 7 games in Championship. Preston have lost with a 1 goal margin in their last 3 home matches in Championship. Derby have lost their last 5 home matches in Championship. There have been under 2.5 goals scored in Nottingham Forest’s last 7 away games in Championship. Bournemouth are undefeated in their last 7 matches in Championship. Cardiff have kept a clean sheet in their last 3 away matches in Championship. Preston have failed to score in their last 3 home matches in Championship. There have been under 2.5 goals scored in Luton’s last 5 games in Championship. Bournemouth have drawn their last 3 matches in Championship. Preston have lost their last 3 home matches in Championship. Derby have failed to score in their last 3 home matches in Championship. There have been under 2.5 goals scored in Preston’s last 6 home games in Championship. Birmingham have failed to score in their last 3 matches in Championship. There have been under 2.5 goals scored in Derby’s last 4 games in Championship. Shamrock Rovers are undefeated in their last 18 matches in Airtricity League. Shamrock Rovers have won with at least a 3 goal margin in their last 4 matches in Airtricity League. Shamrock Rovers have scored at least 4 goals in their last 3 matches in Airtricity League.
    1 point
  12. zeko1088

    Srijeda 28.10.2020.

    Korona u Laziu, ceka se potvrda ali 8 igraca sutra nece nastupiti, izmedju ostalih Luis Alberto i Ciro Immobile https://www.gazzetta.it/Calcio/Serie-A/Lazio/27-10-2020/lazio-incubo-covid-attesa-champions-tampone-immobile-inzaghi-390350785211.shtml Pobjeda Club Bruggea se jos moze uloviti po @2.7
    1 point
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