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"Informacija iz prve ruke" Kao prvo, za sve koji ce ovo ispratit... Mozda je bolje cekati uzvio tako da ako niste sigruni, molio bih vas da sacekate na bet365 da utakmica pocne jer ako sad "natrpamo", kvota ce pasti. Dornbirn - Hohenems hc-1.5 1 1,7; (over 4.0 1,9 - bolje na live cekati) Regional Liga Zapad (RLW) Austrija Kao prvo, austrijski amaterski nogomet ce se promjenit i to bas jako u iducoj godini i gotovo da niko ne moze ispast iz ove lige. Veliki derbi, jedan grad kraj drugog, na terenu "mrznja", nakon utakmice se rokce skupa do zore. Dornbirn zaista impresivno igra, 1. mjesto sa 42 boda, 13 pobjede i i 3 remija sa gol razlikom od 41:13. Hohenems sa druge strane igra cijelu sezonu bez motiva i trener im bas rotira kadar jer zeli "individualnu klasu svakog igraca pronaci/vidjeti" (tako je izjavio). Znaci kvote normalno postavljene.. E sad sta bet365 ne zna: Prvi golman Hohenemsa obolio jutros, "brani" golman iz druge ekipe koji je visok nekih 175cm, 23 god i malo punij. Drugi golman je povrjedjen vec dugo vrjeme. Navodno sam dobio informaciju da ce golman iz druge ekipe braniti (moze biti da je samo pozvan), druga opcija bi bila da golmanski trener brani (bio jako dobar u svoje vrijeme i jos je prijavljen), no mislim da ne bi bilo fer prema ovom iz druge ekipe. Znaci ili ce braniti stariji golman sa iskustvom, ili bas jedan manji. To je 100% jer je druga ekipa vec odigrala jutros i taj golman nije bio u kadru. E sad sta odigrati je pitanje, Hohenems ima losu obranu, vezni red je jako spor a ofenziva im je jedini kljuc u svakoj utakmici jer imaju 2 mlada, super igraca. Moje misljenje je da ce "svaki ozbiljan sut" uci ako bude branio ovaj iz druge, na 1vs1 nije ni tako los. Zaista je ogromna razlika izmedju 3. i 7. austrijske lige, tako i sta se suta i svega tice. Sa druge strane Hohenems opet moze zabiti jedan gol, no Dornbirn ima daleko najbolju defanzivu (i ofenzivu) u ligi tako da mislim da ce pobjediti sa barem 2 razlike.4 points
Nedelja 11.11.2018.
crash1 and 2 others reacted to JackieJack for a topic
Ugrabio sam nesto malo vremena, a za nedelju imam 2 meca gde sam odigrao kartone. Jedan od njih je superklasiko, SS je imao granicu od 6.5 sto mi je bila preniska, kao i kvotu 3.40 na crveni na mecu, trenutna od 8.5 mi je malo previse mada postoji argumenata da i to moze preko jer nas ocekuje ludnica iako se radi o prvom mecu. Rennes - Nantes over 3.5 kartona Unibet drzi 1.55, dok je SS imao istu granicu po kvoti 1.70 ali bez poreza, sto mu posle poreza dodje cak i manje. Bet365 koji u 99% slucajeva izbacuje razradu za sve meceve FRA lige u nedelju je samo ovaj mec preskocio, naravno sa razlogom. Radi se o derbiju Bretanje koji je uvek vatren i jedinstvena prilika za kartone. Dovoljno je reci da vec 8 medjusobnih zaredom idu preko ove granice, ogromna vecina ide i preko 5.5 i 6.5 uz naravno redovne crvene kartone, sudi Karim Abed mada je sekundarno govoriti previse o proseku sudije u ovakvim okrsajima. Ovde idem sa MAX ulogom, kao sto sam i na superklasiku over 6.5, za hrabrije preporuka i over 4.5 koju sam takodje odigrao na srednji stake. U zadnjem mecu je ovo prebaceno posle 45 minuta, moguce da vidimo slican scenario i ovde.3 points -
Slažem se, mislim da će biti izuzetno interesantan susret a kako se ovi derbiji igraju mislim da bi lako mogli vidjeti over kartona. Često u ovim derbijima bude crveni a u nemalom broju slučajeva viđali smo i dva pa i više crvenih na susretu. E da, ako ne znate gdje gledati utakmicu, bet365 će je imati u streamu za sve svoje korisnike. Potrebno je naravno biti njihov član odnosno imati ili otvoriti račun, te imati jedan uplaćen listić u zadnjih 24 sata ili bilo koja sredstva na računu (da stanje nije 0€ - zato uvijek ostavite 1€ na računu ).2 points
Sve pogođono, samo Spal nije dobio 3 žutog kartona. Na okladi za 3 žuti karton Spala, sam kladio i na pobjedu Borussie i pred krajem pobjeđuje 3-2. Šteta dobre kvote 3.252 points
tip dana za max stake Ne propustite zaraditi veceras. Pittsburgh - Arizona Pittsburgh -1,5. 2,40 Oba tima su trenutno na 15 osvojenih bodova u 14 odigranih utakmica. Pingvini su porazeni u cak zadnjih 5 susreta gdje su uspijeli upisati samo jedan bod sto je sasvim nedopustivo i nekarakteristicno za ovako jak tim sa Crosbyem, Malkinom, Guentzelom, Kesselom, Hornqvistom, Rustom,Letangom... Pittsburgh je slavio u zadnjih 5 medusobnih susreta protiv Arizone, no ovo je njihov prvi susret sezone. Arizona igra bolje mego prosle sezone, no ovdje ce biti u problemima jer nema i dalje prvog golmana Antti Raante koji nije branio zadnja dva susreta u kojemu je Arizona oba puta porazena protiv Philadelphie i gdje je rezervni golman Kuemper primio 5 u oba navrata. Raanta je jedan od najboljih golmana lige, tako da je to jedan od razloga pada u igri Coyotesa, jednostavno je obrana izgubila samopouzdanje bez Raante, a jos jedan udarac je i ozljeda vaznog branica Alexa Goligoskog koji je upisao 7 bodova u 14 utakmica. Uz to velike defanzivne probleme tesko ce izbjeci tezak poraz u Pittsburghu protiv Pingvina koji ce biti silno motivirani da prekinu napokon negativni niz i zasigurno ce gristi od samog pocetka. Ocekujem najmanje novu petardu u mrezi Coyotesa u mrezi Kuempera. Pingvini, koji su osvojili dva od zadnja tri Stanley Cup naslova imaju veliku napadacku moc, te im je potrebna jedna velika utakmica da povrate samopouzdanje, a upravo je ovakva krnja Arizona idealna za takvo ostvarenje.2 points
Brani golman iz druge ekipe, jos uz to sam taman citao da su jos 6 igraca od Hohenemsa povrjedjena (ali samo 3 su standardna). I trener Hohenemsa je prije utakmice izjavio: Ako Dornbirn ima los dan, izvuc cemo X. Sretno nam bilo!2 points
Subota 10.11.2018.
LeonardoDrugi and one other reacted to fantazista for a topic
Cardiff City conceded at least 1 goal in each of their last 8 matches in Premier League. Tottenham have scored in each of their last 7 away matches in Premier League. Leicester City have scored in each of their last 11 matches in Premier League. 31% of Watford’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Premier League. Crystal Palace have scored 38% of their goals after the 75th minute in Premier League. Newcastle Utd have scored 43% of their goals in the first 15 minutes in Premier League. Burnley have conceded 2 goals or more in each of their last 3 matches in Premier League. Cardiff City have conceded the opening goal in 73% of their matches in Premier League. Huddersfield were losing at halftime in 64% of their matches in Premier League. West Ham Utd have scored 62% of their goals in the first half in Premier League. 62% of Leicester City’s conceded goals occured in the first half in Premier League. 73% of Bournemouth’s matches had over 2.5 goals scored in Premier League. 31% of Crystal Palace’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Premier League. Tottenham have won 73% of their matches in Premier League. 71% of Southampton’s goals have been scored in the second half in Premier League. Southampton have failed to win in their last 5 home matches in Premier League. Crystal Palace have failed to win in their last 6 matches in Premier League. 81% of Crystal Palace’s conceded goals occured in the second half in Premier League. Crystal Palace have failed to win in their last 5 home matches in Premier League. 43% of Bournemouth’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Premier League. Southampton have failed to win in their last 7 matches in Premier League. Crystal Palace have conceded 2 goals or more in each of their last 3 matches in Premier League. Tottenham have scored the opening goal in 82% of their matches in Premier League. Cardiff City conceded at least 1 goal in each of their last 5 home matches in Premier League. Huddersfield have scored 80% of their goals in the first half in Premier League. Tottenham were leading at halftime in 64% of their matches in Premier League. Tottenham have won their last 4 away matches in Premier League. Cardiff City have lost 73% of their matches in Premier League. 67% of Huddersfield’s conceded goals occured in the first half in Premier League. Tottenham have been undefeated in their last 4 away matches in Premier League. Torino have been undefeated in their last 6 matches in Serie A. Parma have scored 70% of their goals in the first half in Serie A. Napoli have scored in each of their last 8 matches in Serie A. Genoa have conceded 2 goals or more in each of their last 3 matches in Serie A. SPAL have conceded 2 goals or more in each of their last 3 home matches in Serie A. 79% of Parma’s conceded goals occured in the second half in Serie A. SPAL have lost their last 3 home matches in Serie A. 73% of Cagliari’s matches had under 2.5 goals in Serie A. 73% of Genoa’s matches had over 2.5 goals scored in Serie A. Napoli have won 73% of their matches in Serie A. 73% of Napoli’s matches had over 2.5 goals scored in Serie A. Cagliari have scored 30% of their goals in the first 15 minutes in Serie A. Napoli have scored 33% of their goals after the 75th minute in Serie A. Athletic Bilbao have failed to win in their last 10 matches in La Liga. 82% of Valladolid’s matches had under 2.5 goals in La Liga. Girona conceded at least 1 goal in each of their last 5 home matches in La Liga. Valencia did not concede any goal in their last 3 away matches in La Liga. Atletico Madrid have been undefeated in their last 8 matches in La Liga. Eibar have scored 33% of their goals after the 75th minute in La Liga. 73% of Getafe’s goals have been scored in the second half in La Liga. 91% of Valencia’s matches had under 2.5 goals in La Liga. 33% of Valladolid’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in La Liga. 91% of Getafe’s matches had under 2.5 goals in La Liga. Valencia have been undefeated in their last 4 away matches in La Liga. 91% of Atletico Madrid’s matches had under 2.5 goals in La Liga. Getafe have scored 36% of their goals after the 75th minute in La Liga. 73% of Valencia’s matches ended up in a draw in La Liga. 83% of Atletico Madrid’s conceded goals were conceded away in La Liga. 100% of Atletico Madrid’s conceded goals occured in the second half in La Liga. Atletico Madrid have scored the opening goal in 73% of their matches in La Liga. Athletic Bilbao have scored 64% of their goals in the first half in La Liga. Girona have scored 69% of their goals in the first half in La Liga. 33% of Atletico Madrid’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in La Liga. 64% of Athletic Bilbao’s matches ended up in a draw in La Liga. Leganes have conceded the opening goal in 82% of their matches in La Liga. Guingamp conceded at least 1 goal in each of their last 5 home matches in Ligue 1. Montpellier have been undefeated in their last 11 matches in Ligue 1. Nimes have drawn their last 3 home matches in Ligue 1. Nice have scored 33% of their goals after the 75th minute in Ligue 1. Lyon have scored the opening goal in 75% of their matches in Ligue 1. Guingamp have failed to win in their last 5 home matches in Ligue 1. Montpellier have scored in each of their last 9 matches in Ligue 1. 86% of Montpellier’s conceded goals occured in the second half in Ligue 1. Montpellier have scored the opening goal in 83% of their matches in Ligue 1. 32% of Angers’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Ligue 1. Montpellier have been undefeated in their last 5 away matches in Ligue 1. 42% of Guingamp’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Ligue 1. 79% of Lyon’s conceded goals occured in the second half in Ligue 1. Montpellier have scored in each of their last 5 away matches in Ligue 1. Lyon were leading at halftime in 58% of their matches in Ligue 1. Montpellier have scored 2 goals or more in each of their last 3 matches in Ligue 1. Nimes have scored 33% of their goals after the 75th minute in Ligue 1. 43% of Montpellier’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Ligue 1. 67% of Nice’s matches had under 2.5 goals in Ligue 1. FSV Mainz have scored 43% of their goals after the 75th minute in Bundesliga. FC Augsburg have scored in each of their last 5 away matches in Bundesliga. 70% of Dortmund’s matches had over 2.5 goals scored in Bundesliga. 90% of Hoffenheim’s matches had over 2.5 goals scored in Bundesliga. Bayern Munich were leading at halftime in 60% of their matches in Bundesliga. 71% of FSV Mainz’s goals have been scored in the second half in Bundesliga. Hoffenheim have scored in each of their last 10 matches in Bundesliga. 38% of FC Augsburg’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Bundesliga. Dortmund have been undefeated in their last 10 matches in Bundesliga. Dortmund have scored in each of their last 8 matches in Bundesliga. Hoffenheim have scored 2 goals or more in each of their last 3 matches in Bundesliga. 70% of FC Augsburg’s matches had over 2.5 goals scored in Bundesliga. Dortmund have scored 2 goals or more in each of their last 5 home matches in Bundesliga. 86% of Hoffenheim’s goals have been scored in the second half in Bundesliga. 81% of FC Augsburg’s conceded goals occured in the second half in Bundesliga. Dortmund have scored 37% of their goals after the 75th minute in Bundesliga. Birmingham City have scored in each of their last 8 matches in Championship. Bolton have lost their last 3 home matches in Championship. 85% of Rotherham’s goals have been scored in the second half in Championship. 40% of Blackburn’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Championship. Swansea City have scored 44% of their goals after the 75th minute in Championship. Rotherham have failed to win in their last 8 away matches in Championship. Rotherham have scored 38% of their goals after the 75th minute in Championship. Bolton have failed to win in their last 6 matches in Championship. Birmingham City have scored 2 goals or more in each of their last 4 home matches in Championship. Hull City have scored 62% of their goals in the first half in Championship. 69% of Rotherham’s matches had under 2.5 goals in Championship. Bolton conceded at least 1 goal in 75% of their home matches in Championship. Bolton have failed to score in 50% of their home matches in Championship. 35% of Birmingham City’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Championship. 69% of Hull City’s matches had under 2.5 goals in Championship. Bolton have lost 62% of their home matches in Championship. Birmingham City have been undefeated in their last 8 home matches in Championship. Rotherham have scored 77% of their goals at home in Championship. Bolton have failed to score in their last 3 home matches in Championship. 27% of Bolton’s conceded goals occurred in the first 15 minutes in Championship. Swansea City have scored 72% of their goals at home in Championship. Birmingham City conceded at least 1 goal in each of their last 5 home matches in Championship. 88% of Rotherham’s points have been earned at home in Championship. 31% of Swansea City’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Championship. Birmingham City conceded at least 1 goal in 75% of their home matches in Championship. Rotherham have lost 75% of their away matches in Championship. SonderjyskE conceded at least 1 goal in 100% of their away matches in Superligaen. AC Horsens conceded at least 1 goal in 71% of their home matches in Superligaen. 32% of SonderjyskE’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Superligaen. AC Horsens have conceded 2 goals or more in each of their last 3 home matches in Superligaen. SonderjyskE have scored in 75% of their away matches in Superligaen. SonderjyskE have scored 62% of their goals away in Superligaen. 84% of SonderjyskE’s conceded goals were conceded away in Superligaen. SonderjyskE have scored in each of their last 5 away matches in Superligaen. Atletico PR have been undefeated in their last 11 home matches in Serie A (Brazil). 66% of Corinthians’s matches had under 2.5 goals in Serie A (Brazil). Sao Paulo have scored in 81% of their away matches in Serie A (Brazil). 75% of Cruzeiro’s matches had under 2.5 goals in Serie A (Brazil). Atletico PR have scored 2 goals or more in each of their last 6 home matches in Serie A (Brazil). 86% of Atletico PR’s points have been earned at home in Serie A (Brazil). Atletico PR have scored 89% of their goals at home in Serie A (Brazil). Corinthians conceded at least 1 goal in each of their last 5 home matches in Serie A (Brazil). Atletico PR have won their last 10 home matches in Serie A (Brazil). Corinthians have scored 34% of their goals after the 75th minute in Serie A (Brazil). Atletico PR have scored in 94% of their home matches in Serie A (Brazil). 77% of Corinthians’s points have been earned at home in Serie A (Brazil). Atletico PR have scored in each of their last 11 home matches in Serie A (Brazil). 38% of Atletico PR’s conceded goals occurred after the 75th minute in Serie A (Brazil). 67% of Cruzeiro’s points have been earned at home in Serie A (Brazil). Sretno svima!2 points -
Nedelja 11.11.2018.
crash1 reacted to JackieJack for a topic
Jorginho under 102.5 passes 1.61 bet365 4/10 (moze se naci pod specials) Mozda na prvi pogled malo neobican tip ali bet365 nastavlja sa razradom posle SP na statistiku igraca i redovno bude finih value pikova. Rotacija kod Chelsea se promenila, Barkley se nametnuo iz drugog plana sto je kostalo najvise Kovacica mesta u startnoj, ali zato Sari sada moze odmoriti Jorginha sto i radi jer Jorginho uglavnom izadje zadnjih 10-15 minuta a udje Kovacic ili Fabregas. Ove sezone na proseku je od 84.5 paseva po mecu, ova grana mi deluje malo preterano kad se sve gore navedeno uzme u obzir1 point -
Subota 10.11.2018.
Goksim reacted to JackieJack for a topic
Ipak odlozeno za sutra navece a i bolje jer se ne da igrati po ovakvoj kisi. Javna je tajna da se ocekuje paklen dvomec, citao sam puno zadnjih 6-7 dana o atmosferi u Argentini uoci ovog meca i milion interesantnih stvari, posle finala SP definitivno najveci fudbalski spektakl u preostalom delu ove godine!1 point -
1 point
Da Unibet je dobro imat i kladiti se na obe kladionice, jer Unibet ima i one malo slabije lige gde mozes kladiti na zute kartone. Danas je i veliki finale libertadoresa gde igraju Boca i River Plate. Ali granica over 7.5 zutog karton je vrlo visoka. A znam da su imali preko 10 kartona vec u međusobni utakmici ali ovo utakmicu sam preskocio.1 point
1 point
Subota 10.11.2018.
Silviyo1302 reacted to IzudinB for a topic
Guingamp - Lyon 2 (1.72) bet365 Guingamp se još uvijek nalazi na posljednjem mjestu na tabeli u Ligue 1 i oni su prošlog vikenda išli kod Nantesa gdje su poraženi sa 5-0. To je bio veliki poraz za klub i veliki udarac za njihovo samopouzdanje, jer su prije te utakmice bili pet utamica bez poraza. Sada se suočavaju sa Lyonom i bit će autsajderi u ovoj utakmici. Pobjeda bi ih podigla na 19-u poziciju i dvije pobjede bi ih mogle dignuti pet do šest mjesta na tabeli, tako da za ovaj tim nije sve izgubljeno. Međutim bit će im vrlo teško protiv Lyona. Lyon je remizirao kod kuće protiv Bordeauxa sa 1-1 što nije dobar rezultat. Sredinom tjedna su remizirali protiv Hoffenheima (2-2) što također nije pozitivna stvar. Međutim, oni se i dalje nalaze na drugoj poziciji u svojoj skupini u Ligi prvaka i izgledaju dobro u ovom trenutku, a vjerujem da će se i kvalificirati dalje. Lyon je tri utakmice bez poraza i nalaze se na četvrtoj poziciji na tabeli Ligue 1. Njihov glavni cilj ove sezone će biti da završe barem drugi. Osim tog poraza od PSG-a u gostima, oni su ostali neporaženi u gostima od kolovoza. Mislim da će Lyon ovdje ostvariti pobjedu. Sretno! (Koeficijenti 10.11. u 13:07 CET) Koeficijenti su podložni promjenama1 point -
Borussia Dortmund-Bayern München over 3.5 kartona kv.1.87 Unibet, Ovaj vikend ima vrlo zanimljivih derbija, gde možemo uzeti nekoliko dobrih oklada na žute kartone. Rekao sam da ču napravit za nekoliko dana pauzo ali ovi derbiji mi ne dozvole do pauze U poslednjem derbiju, prošle godine je Bayern razbio Borusio čak 6-0 i ovo je jedini derbi u poslednjih 8 utakmica koji je završio manje od 4 žuta kartona, jer več sve bilo riješeno u 1.poluvremenu. Kao što znamo je Bayern pod vodstvom Kovača u velikoj krizi i tu če biti utakmica gde sam siguran, da če biti više od 3 žuta kartona. Utakmicu če suditi M. Gräfe koji nema neki visok prosjek kartona ali tu vjerujem da če pokazati barem 4 javne upomene. Sudio je prošle godine u superpokalu gde su igrala današnja protivnika i pokazao je 5 žutih kartona. https://www.flashscore.si/tekma/h6Vv2FgE/#povzetek-dogodka Na ovi utakmici je vrlo dobra kvota i na pobjedu domačina, jer Borussia je u top formi i isplati se kladiti i na pobjedu za nešto manji ulog po kvoti 3.25. Danas ima nekoliko dobrih utakmica kladiti se na kartone ali nemam vremena sad. Spal-Cagliari više od 4.5 i Spal više od 2.5 kartona Dundee FC-St Mirren više od 3.5 i St Mirren više od 2.5 Hearts-Kilmarnock više od 3.5 Getafe-Valencia više od 5.51 point
Petak 9.11.2018.
Dominik999 reacted to nba1911 for a topic
Ne mogu vjerovat kako sudac nije dao 2 kartona u posljednih 6-7 minuta kod 2 gruba prekrsaja. Jos kad se pogleda rezultat onda je jos smijesnije da nije bilo 4 kartona kod Fro - Fior. Nista idemo sutra jos jace...1 point -
Oluja u Buenos Airesu, Boca i River riskiraju odgodu finala PRVI od dva povijesna Superclasica Boce i Rivera u finalu Copa Libertadoresa mogao bi biti odgođen. Veliki dvoboj trebao bi početi u 21 sat na Bomboneri, međutim velika oluja i kiša mogle bi pomjeriti nogometni spektakl. Tijekom cijelog dana u Buenos Airesu pada jaka kiša, zbog čega je teren Bombonere natopljen i veliko je pitanje hoće li se steći uvjeti za odigravanje utakmice u prvom finalu dva omražena susjeda za naslov prvaka Južne Amerike. Kroz narednih nekoliko sati bit će poznato hoće li se moći igrati, a radnici na stadionu čine sve kako bi osposobili travnjak. Ipak, ako kiša ne prestane, sudar će gotovo izvjesno biti odgođen za neki drugi dan, izvještavaju argentinski mediji. Izvor: Index.hr0 points